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    Mobile control for industrial drives

    This project involved R&D to develop a mobile app in the context of Industry 4.0 solutions. It allows the configuration, operation and remote monitoring of frequency invertors and soft starter drives for motors for industrial applications. Since they are large scale equipment that work at high voltage, they are most often located in secured spaces with restricted access. The communication uses wireless Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies, allowing remote intervention through a secure area and with the possibility for a more complete and intuitive interface and the facilities to activate profiles stored in a database and sharing of information on the drives. 

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    Dynamic fleet dispatching

    This case involved R&D of a communication solution to improve and reduce waiting time and movement of harvest vehicles, through applications installed in a tablet


    Reverse sales machine

    Participation in the R&D of prototyping of a Reverse Sales Machine to collect beverage containers that will be sent for recycling. The user interface was