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    Sapientia works in conjunction with the CERTI System of institutions, which is dedicated to promoting innovation in products, processes and entrepreneurship. This integration allows an exchange of technical knowledge in the fields of the green economy, sustainable energy, entrepreneurship and access to metrology and instrumentation laboratories, those for mechatronic prototyping and trials, integration and pre-certification for projects that require integration of software and hardware. 


    The Institute also has cooperation agreements in research and development with the Universidade Federal of Santa Catarina, and the Universidade Federal of Goiás and participates in various initiatives to promote innovation and sustainability.

    Digital Transformation

    In projects to support digital transformation, the Institute has accumulated expertise in the fields of web software for frontend and backend, desktop, mobile technologies, specialized compilers, blockchain and DLTs, communication protocols, embedded software, digital transformation, and the internet of things. More recently, it has been exploring Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and algorithms, computer vision (CV), and natural language processing (NLP) to identify standards, handle information and make decisions applied to projects for diagnosis of medical exams; biometric identification; and intelligent handling of documents in business processes.

    Energy and Sustainability

    Sapientia works in complement with the Center for Sustainable Energy of the CERTI Foundation, executing consultancies and research and development projects to promote digital transformation in the electrical sector. In the context of ANEEL’s R&D program, it has been conducting projects in the fields of distributed generation, traceability of energy, electrical mobility, virtual power plants, smart grids and microgrids. Combining its own technical staff with specialists and partners, it composes a multidisciplinary structure that can execute innovative projects for digital transformation in the electrical sector.

    Innovative and Impact Entrepreneurship

    Counting on the expertise and technical conduct of the Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship of the CERTI Foundation, the Institute operates the Alpha Parque Tecnológico [Alpha Technology Park] in Cidade Ocidental, Goiás state. The Park concentrates actions for regional technological development that encompass environments and mechanisms for innovation, promotion of the regional ecosystem of innovation and corporate innovation projects focused on effectively identifying and developing competitive differentials for companies.

    Program and Project Management

    Research and development actions for promoting digital transformation should be supported by methodologies, tools, financial resources, infrastructure, and a staff that can execute systematic processes to develop innovations. Sapientia has accumulated 15 years of experience with innovation projects and benefits from expertise accumulated over more than three decades during which the CERTI Foundation has been dedicated to the development of innovative products and processes and the management of programs and projects to stimulate entrepreneurship.